Firstly, I think we should look at how applicable mobile technology is. It's all well and good to discuss how we can use new technologies but is it actually feasible to use them? In order to make use of tablets and smartphones within a classroom we must first ensure that most, if not all students have a device they can use (we can assume that there will always be a few without, but supplying more than 3-4 could prove costly). In an article by the University of Manchester (Davies, 2015) the author analyses data gained from a number of different surveys on the percentage of students that own smart devices:
Comparison of device ownership 2012-14 at the University of Northampton (Davies, 2015) |
But let us assume that we can run the software on the phone or tablet of every student in the class. There are many ways in which the technology itself can be useful in a classroom environment. In relation to teaching languages, Joanna Norton notes that "The student can take a series of snapshots of moments in their day — for example, their alarm clock, a toothbrush, a cup of coffee, their walk to work, etc. — and describe the actions to the teacher. For example, ‘I take a shower and get dressed…’ This will often highlight aspects of language that require teacher input" (Norton, 2014). In my personal experience I encourage students to take multiple photographs during practical sessions as ways of referencing setups at a later date or if they have to return to a previous setup. This is also useful during the creation of blogs (something used for multiple assignments within my department) where the students would need to evidence things with photographs, videos and sound recordings. Having a device that can perform all of these tasks roves invaluable to a course designed in this way.
Davies, S. 2015. [M-Article Series] Mobile device adoption in UK Higher Education. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 November 2015].
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