Wednesday 21 October 2015

Introduction to this blog

The idea behind this blog is to explore the uses of ICT software in regards to teaching Music Technology. I'll be covering quite a few pieces of software that are used within teaching in general and will evaluate their viability and practicality for use in teaching in my particular field.

This is probably a good time to give a little background info on myself. I studied a BSc(hons) in Music Technology and then went on to study an MA in Creative Sound Design. After that I moved on to becoming Artist in Residence for Music Technology at UWTSD. During that time I started lecturing in the department and continue to do so. I'm currently studying a PGCE/PCET alongside lecturing which has driven me to produce this blog. Music-wise I play in a number of punk and rock bands, and I also produce some experimental/avant-garde tracks. I'm currently on a bit of a minimalism and atmospheric trip, so i'm putting out stuff like this:

So this academic year i've been charged with lecturing in 4 modules: The Studio Engineer, Creative Practice 1, Creative Practice 3, and Spatial Audio. The reason I mention these is that the practicality of the ICT tools i'm reviewing will be mostly in relation to delivering these modules. I have previously delivered modules called Sound Lab (essentially advanced-studio-engineer) and Contextual Studies, which was very much presentations and class discussions.

I'm going to try and keep each bit of software to a separate blog post, but at times I may see fit to combine pieces of software into a single post (such as a Moodle/Blackboard post).

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